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Eclipse e4 and

I'm developing a a pure Eclipse E4Application and got a task to support Help System ( plugin). But when I'm adding it to e4 application it failed to start stating that it has to app id.

!ENTRY 0 0 2012-08-24 22:56:44.744
!MESSAGE Product could not be found.

!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-08-24 22:56:44.794
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2012-08-24 22:56:44.795
!MESSAGE Bundle initial@reference:file:workspace/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 2 0 2012-08-24 22:56:44.795
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle

This is because is not native e4 plugin. What are the ways to integrate? I've review different tutorials and articles but can't make this work. Only way I found is this example mentioned by Lars Vogel, but seems this a bit different, the UI is defined in an old fashion by WorkbenchAdvison, WindowAdvisor and so on. I do need a pure e4 with help support.


  • Seems that pure Eclipse 4 code currently (as in Eclipse juno 4.2) lacks support for help, or a preference GUI.

    If you want to use help or preferences, especially when you want to extend these via plugins, the Eclipse 3 compatibility layer appears to be the only way to go, but then there's no way to add Eclipse 4 plugins to such a compatibility-layer-based E3 app (

    If you want to add help to a pure E4 app, you could of course add a "Help" menu to your app via the E4 model, and your command handler then opens a part which basically contains an SWT browser widget for displaying the help. Doesn't compare to the pluggable E3 help with index, search etc.