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The referenced component 'EntityFramework' could not be found.

So im downloading a project at home from work over team foundation server. I download the project and it won't compile because of the error. Warning 2 The referenced component 'EntityFramework' could not be found. Could anyone offer guidance in how I can get entity framework to work. I installed nuget package.



  • I suggest you to check:

    1) "Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build" ticked

    Tool --> Options... --> Package Manager --> General enter image description here

    2) "Project selected" ticked

    Solution Explorer --> right-click on the solution/project --> Manage NuPackages enter image description here

    3) Rebuild Solution

    enter image description here


    For completeness I would like to add that if you are working with a CI system (e.g. Jenkins) or you are using MSBuild on the command line, you need to select Enable NuGet Package Restore to make it work:

    Enable NuGet Package Restore