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SQL SELECT last entry without limiting

I have a table with 3 fields:


Is there a way in the SQL language especially Postgres that I can select the value of the last note without having to LIMIT 1?

Normal query:

select note from table order by created_at desc limit 1

I'm interested in something avoiding the limit since I'll need it as a subquery.


  • If your id column is an autoincrementing primary key field, it's pretty easy. This assumes the latest note has the highest id. (That might not be true; only you know that!)

    select *
      from note
     where id = (select max(id) from note)

    It's here:!2/7478a/1/0 for MySQL and here!1/6597d/1/0 for postgreSQL. Same SQL.

    If your id column isn't set up so the latest note has the highest id, but still is a primary key (that is, still has unique values in each row), it's a little harder. We have to disambiguate identical dates; we'll do this by choosing, arbitrarily, the highest id.

    select *
      from note
      where id = (
                  select max(id)
                    from note where created_at = 
                       (select max(created_at) 
                          from note

    Here's an example:!2/1f802/4/0 for MySQL. Here it is for postgreSQL (the SQL is the same, yay!)!1/bca8c/1/0

    Another possibility: maybe you want both notes shown together in one row if they were both created at the same exact time. Again, only you know that.

    select group_concat(note separator '; ') 
      from note 
     where created_at = (select max(created_at) from note)

    In postgreSQL 9+, it's

     select string_agg(note, '; ') 
       from note 
      where created_at = (select max(created_at) from note)

    If you do have the possibility for duplicate created_at times and duplicate id values, and you don't want the group_concat effect, you are unfortunately stuck with LIMIT.