I have a flexgrid (flex component grid), how do i hide a cell.
For ex: 2nd row and 5th column - i need to hide/remove based on some condition.
for say
if(C1FlexGrid1.Rows[2][5].ToString().Length <0)
//I want this to be invisible.
There is no propery that supports isVisible the way i have used. Any way i can achieve this ? Thanks.
Finally i figured it out:
Create a ownerdrawcell event for your winforms component grid:
componentGrid.DrawMode = C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.DrawModeEnum.OwnerDraw;
componentGrid.OwnerDrawCell += componentGrid_OwnerDrawCell;
void componentGrid_OwnerDrawCell(object sender, C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.OwnerDrawCellEventArgs e)
var value = componentGrid.GetCellCheck(e.Row,e.Col);
//Your custom condition
if (value is bool)
//Will hide the cell
e.Style.Display = DisplayEnum.None;
//Will show the cell
e.Style.Display = DisplayEnum.Stack;