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How to compile SWC in FDT without including the SDK libraries?

It seems the command -el forces external linkages but then it won't compile because options from playerglobal.swc cannot be found. I just want to build a swc from the source folder and not include any external assets.

My second question is about building FAT SWC files including the ASDOC information.


  • Here is how todo it in ANT.

    <target name="foundation build-debug">
        <delete file="${FDTProjectPath}/bin/${foundation-debug-file}"/>
        <fdt.loadProjectProperties projectname="frameworks" />
        <fdt.launch.library projectname="${FDTProject}" debug="true" autoaddclasspath="false" compilerarguments="
            -benchmark=true" target="${FDTProjectPath}/bin/${foundation-debug-file}" />