I have the following datasets (just a sample):
1 20 0 1
1 30 0 2
1 40 0 3
1 50 0 4
2 0 0 1
2 30 0 2
2 40 0 3
2 40 0 4
1 75
2 70
I must update Table1.AMT
from Table2.AMT
using this rules:
and Table2
are joined on ID
can't hold larger value than MAX
Table2.AMT >= Table1.MAX
then Table1.AMT = Table1.MAX
... then on the next row update Table1.AMT
with Table2.AMT - previous record AMT
still using the above rules.So the expected output would be
1 20 20 1
1 30 30 2
1 40 25 3
1 50 0 4
2 0 0 1
2 30 30 2
2 40 40 3
2 40 0 4
How can one achieve that?
I thought of creating a temp table with an aggregated SUM()
of Table1.MAX
, and using that as a reference to update Table1.AMT
(if SUM(MAX) < Table2.AMT
then Table1.AMT = Table1.MAX
else Table1.AMT = previous records SUM(MAX)
But can it be done without a temp table? (Sadly I can't create functions and procedures in my work env.)
More efficient solution can be made using specifics or Oracle PL/SQL.
Here is a generic solution:
select t1.ID, min(t1.MAX) as MAX, least(min(t1.MAX),coalesce(min(t2.AMT),0)-coalesce(least(sum(t1p.MAX-t1p.AMT), min(t2.AMT)),0)+min(t1.AMT)) as AMT, t1.SORTED
from Table1 t1
left join Table2 t2 on t2.ID = t1.ID
left join Table1 t1p on t1p.ID = t1.ID and t1p.SORTED < t1.SORTED
group by t1.ID, t1.SORTED
order by t1.ID, t1.SORTED
explanation of calculating AMT:
AMT is smallest of "MAX for the row" and "How much is possible"
least(min(t1.MAX),"How much is possible")
"How much is possible": max available - how much was given for previous rows + how much we already have
coalesce(min(t2.AMT),0) - "how much was given for previous rows" + min(t1.AMT)
"how much was given for previous rows": smalles of how much required to fill and how much possible
coalesce(least(sum(t1p.MAX-t1p.AMT), min(t2.AMT)),0)