Search code examples

Prevent memory leak when using cfimage and cfxml?

I'm doing a site in coldfusion8/mysql 5.0.88 with the front end in Jquery Mobile. I'm also using the photoswipe.js plugin, which allows images to be zoomed and browsed in a separate view layer.

To setup photoswipeable images, I need to output

<a class="swipeMe" rel="external" href="#variables.imageSrc#">
    <img src="#variables.imageSrc#" class="adaptImg ui-li-thumb" />

The problem is imageSrc is supplied by users, so I have to grab/validate/resize the image before displaying it AND I need the path of the image for the photoswipe-link.

I have been fiddling with this for a while and came up with the following solution:

 // read img from user specs
 <cfimage name="myImage" source="#bildpfad##bilddateiname#" action="read" />
 <cfif IsImage(myImage) is true>
      // resize
           variables.breite = 400;
           ImageScaleToFit(myImage, variables.breite,"", "highestPerformance");
      // write to xml, so I can get the path
      <cfxml variable="imageXml">
           <cfimage quality=".5" action="writetobrowser" source="#myImage#" class="adaptImg ui-li-thumb"/
      <cfset variables.imageSrc = imageXml.xmlRoot.xmlAttributes.src>
      // output
         <a class="swipeMe" rel="external" href="#variables.imageSrc#">#imageXml#</a>

While this works it pretty much stalls the application and memory seems to leak as well, because I'm loosing more and more memory as I'm running this.

Is there any obvious problem with the above code causing memory leaks? I imagin the images are being written to some sort of temporary directory (CFFileservelet?) and stay there for a while blocking my memory. If so, what would be alternative approaches to handling this in an image search?



  • Why not just create a /tmp folder on your server, and write the manipulated images there, like:

    <cfset newImageName=CreateUUID()&".jpg">
    <cfimage action="write" destination="/tmp/#newImageName#" source="#myImage#">

    Then you can use it:

         <a class="swipeMe" rel="external" href="/tmp/#newImageName#"><img src="/tmp/#newImageName#" class="..."></a>

    Sample scheduled task to delete temp files:

    <cfdirectory action="LIST" directory="#expandpath('tmp/')#" name="tempfiles" filter="*.jpg">
    <cfloop query="tempfiles">
        <cfif dateadd('h',24,dateLastModified) lt now()>
            <cffile action="DELETE" file="#expandpath('tmp/')##name#">