I was going through the facebook policy instructions at http://developers.facebook.com/policy/
and section 12 (b) was interesting. It says that "Apps on Facebook may not integrate, link to, promote, distribute, or redirect to any app on any other competing social network"
Does it mean that if I create an app that publishes the same photo to a user's facebook wall as well as his flickr account etc my app would be violating this policy?
If yes, then almost all the Android and iPhone photography apps violate it because you can share the same photo to multiple services.
If no, then what does this statement mean?
Disclaimer - I am no lawyer. Just another Stack Overflow user. If you want to get a legal statement about policy matters you should have your companies lawyer look at the TOS.
The key word in that statement is "on". Apps on Facebook. Applications that integrate with Facebook are not applications on Facebook. They just use their API. That's why mobile applications and websites can have multiple share options.
What this means is that applications that are viewed within Facebook can not do this. That means -