I am trying to play RTSP url in my iPhone app. I have used many Third-party API's like Live555,FFMpeg
I got code Live555 but it is not running in simulator as well as device. There is showing no error. It is always showing Build Succeeded.
Pls let me know what and how can i do in this case.
Thanks in advance.
We can certainly help, but I need some more details on what you are trying to do , and the type of errors you are getting. We also have some other frameworks to try, what would help best I think is if you had a public url for whatever feed you are attempting to play.
If you like you can also compile and try it on the device using https://github.com/mooncatventures-group
performance on device and simulator vary so much, that we just don't bother with the simulator , so everything is compiled for the device.