I want to be able to determine if a particular unit has been compiled into a Delphi program, e.g. the unit SomeUnitName is part of some of my programs but not of others. I would like to have a function
function IsSomeUnitNameInProgram: boolean;
(which is of course not declared in SomeUnitName because in that case it would always be included) that at runtime returns true, if the unit has been compiled into the program, and false, if not.
My thoughts so far have gone along the lines of using the jcl debug information (compiled from a detailed map file) which I basically add to all my programs to determine this information, but I would prefer it, if jcl were not required.
Adding code to SomeUnitName is not an option.
This is currently for Delphi 2007 but preferably should also work for Delphi XE2.
Any thoughts?
some background on this since @DavidHeffernan asked:
This is not only for one program but for more than 100 different ones. Most of them are used internally but some also get delivered to customers. Since we use quite a few libraries, some bought others under various open source licenses, I wanted to be able to add a "credits" tab to the about box which displays only those libraries actually compiled into the program rather than all of them. Thanks to the answer from TOndrej this works now exactly as I wanted it to: The code checks for a unit which is always linked if a library is used by the program and if it is there, it adds the library name, the copyright and a link to it to the about box.
Unit names are compiled into the 'PACKAGEINFO' resource where you can look it up:
PUnitInfo = ^TUnitInfo;
TUnitInfo = record
UnitName: string;
Found: PBoolean;
procedure HasUnitProc(const Name: string; NameType: TNameType; Flags: Byte; Param: Pointer);
case NameType of
with PUnitInfo(Param)^ do
if SameText(Name, UnitName) then
Found^ := True;
function IsUnitCompiledIn(Module: HMODULE; const UnitName: string): Boolean;
Info: TUnitInfo;
Flags: Integer;
Result := False;
Info.UnitName := UnitName;
Info.Found := @Result;
GetPackageInfo(Module, @Info, Flags, HasUnitProc);
To do this for the current executable pass it HInstance
HasActiveX := IsUnitCompiledIn(HInstance, 'ActiveX');
enumerates all units which may be inefficient for executables with many units, in that case you can dissect the implementation in SysUtils and write your own version which stops enumerating when the unit is found.)