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scheduled execution of all TSQL scripts in a folder

I have a bunch of TSQL scripts that need to be executed on a daily basis. I know I can use Job Agent to execute them but that requires me to change the actual job.

What I would like to do is create a job that simply says:

execute all TSQL-scripts in <some folder>

A bonus would be if a filter could be used based on the filename of the script: So that one job would execute all the files whose name start with a 'd', another job would execute all those with a 'w' in the name.

Can this be done? How can this be done?

I read some things that spoke of using the Windows-scheduler to run the SQLCMD-utility. I'd rather have the SQL Server do the scheduling and executing. Is Powershell the way to go? If so, where and how to start? (Never had to use it so never gave it much attention :/)

Thanks for thinking with me!



  • João, thanks for your help. Using your code I produced this: set dateformat dmy

    DECLARE @scripts varchar(100) = 'C:\MYSCRIPTS\'     -- folder with scripts
    DECLARE @project varchar(100) = 'PROJECTX'  -- specific folder
    DECLARE @Identifier varchar(1) = 'D' -- All files of which the name starts with a 'T'
    DECLARE @files  varchar(100) = @scripts + @project + '\' + @Identifier + '*.sql'
    CREATE TABLE #tbl1 (Name varchar(400))
    DECLARE @cmd varchar(100) = 'dir ' + @files 
    INSERT #tbl1 EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @command_string = @cmd
    DELETE FROM #tbl1 WHERE  ISDATE(SUBSTRING(Name,1,10))  = 0
    UPDATE #tbl1 SET Name = SUBSTRING(Name,37, 100)
    CREATE TABLE #tbl2 (Counter smallint Primary Key IDENTITY(1,1), Name varchar(400))
    INSERT INTO   #tbl2 (Name)
    Select  @scripts + @project + '\' + Name from #tbl1
    DECLARE @i int
    DECLARE @NumRows int
    DECLARE @File2BExecuted varchar(100)
    SET @i = 1
    SET @NumRows = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #tbl2)
    IF @NumRows > 0
        WHILE  (@i <= (SELECT MAX(Counter) FROM #tbl2))
        SELECT @File2BExecuted = Name FROM #tbl2 WHERE Counter = @i
        DECLARE @script varchar(100) = 'sqlcmd -S ' + @@SERVERNAME + ' -i ' + @File2BExecuted
        EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @command_string = @script
        SET @i = @i + 1
    drop table #tbl1
    drop table #tbl2