Search code examples

SQL INNER QUERY returns more than one value in an UPDATE query

I have a table to be updated using records of another table and I am doing this to bring over information from one system (database) to another. The scenario is bit complex, but I desperately need help :-s

There are 3 tables - component , scan and stage_link


component_id  stage_id
------------  --------
1              NULL
2              NULL
3              NULL
4              NULL
5              NULL


scan_id  component_id  scanner_id           date_scanned
-------  ------------  ----------  -----------------------
 1         1           scanner_a    2012-01-01 07:25:15.125
 2         1           scanner_b    2012-01-02 08:14:05.456
 3         2           scanner_a    2012-01-01 12:05:45.465
 4         3           scanner_a    2012-01-01 19:45:12.536
 5         1           scanner_c    2012-01-03 23:33:54.243
 6         2           scanner_b    2012-01-02 11:59:12.545


stage_link_id  scanner_id  stage_id
    -------     ----------  ----------  
       1         scanner_a    1   
       2         scanner_b    1    
       3         scanner_c    2    
       4         scanner_d    2    
       5         scanner_e    2   
       6         scanner_f    3  

I need to update the table component and set the field stage_id according to the latest scan. Each scan takes the component to a stage according to the scanner involved. I have written the following query in order to update the table component, but it throws an error saying;

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows '='

The query is;

UPDATE component
SET stage_id = (select stage_id
                    select scn.scanner_id, sl.stage_id
                    from scan scn
                    INNER JOIN stage_link sl ON scn.scanner_id = sl.scanner_id
                    where scn.date_scanned = (  select temp_a.max_date 
                                                from (  SELECT x.component_id, MAX(x.date_scanned) as max_date
                                                        FROM scan x
                                                        where component_id = x.component_id 
                                                        GROUP BY x.component_id
                                                      ) as temp_a
                                                where component_id = temp_a.component_id)
                    ) as temp_b

I am working on MS SQL Server and want to sort this out using no PHP or any other language.

I have tried for a day to make this work but still didn't get a way to make this work. Any help would be highly appreciated!

Thank you very much in advance :-)


  • Check this out without using correlated subqueries:

    UPDATE  Com
    SET     stage_id = Temp4.stage_id
    FROM    dbo.component Com
            INNER JOIN 
                SELECT Temp2.component_id ,SL.stage_id
                FROM   dbo.stage_link SL
                INNER JOIN (
                                SELECT component_id ,scanner_id
                                FROM   scan
                                WHERE  date_scanned IN (
                                    SELECT  MaxScanDate
                                        SELECT component_id , MAX(date_scanned) MaxScanDate
                                        FROM scan
                                        GROUP BY component_id
                                    ) Temp 
                            ) Temp2 ON Temp2.scanner_id = SL.scanner_id
            ) Temp4 ON Com.component_id = Temp4.component_id

    The output:

    component_id stage_id
    ------------ -----------
    1            2
    2            1
    3            1
    4            NULL
    5            NULL