def like(request,option="food",restaurant = 1):
if request.is_ajax:
rest = 'rest'
#option could be 'food' , 'service' , 'speciality'
like = '%s_like' % str(option)
if restaurant in request.session:
if like not in request.session[restaurant]:
request.session[restaurant][str(like)] =str(like)
session = [item for item in request.session[restaurant]]
return HttpResponse(session)
session = [item for item in request.session[restaurant]]
return HttpResponse(session)
if restaurant not in request.session:
request.session[restaurant] = {}
<a href="/{{rest.id}}/like/{{key|lower}}">
<button data-placement="left" data-original-title="{{val.0}} people like {{key|upper}} at {{rest|title}}" rel="tooltip" class="like pull-right pointer btn btn-info text-left pad0 btn-mini mrg-left5 like-food">
<i class="icon-thumbs-up"></i> {{val.0}}
here rest.id = 1
i am not able to understand when i declared 'restaurant' key as a dictionary then , when i click on the like button its not returning all the keys , every time only one key is returned , for example when i click the food_like button , its returning the key food_like but then again when i click on service_like button instead of returning all food_like and service like its just returning service like , please help. thanks in advance
basically what i want is to create nested session dictionary ,for eg.
Suggestion: I wouldn't have your dynamic dictionary values in the root session dict, nest it one level for better manageability. see request.session["restaurants"]
Solution: check out: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/#when-sessions-are-saved
request.session[restaurant][str(like)] = str(like)
Does not modify the session and so it does not trigger a save by default.
Your options are to tell the session that it has been modified
request.session.modified = True
OR save the session every request: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#std:setting-SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST