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How to add context menu entries in website projects?

I'm not able to add context menu entries for website project items.

How to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a VS Package project
  2. Go to the vsct file and replace the groups section with:

    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
       <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_MENU_TOOLS"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
       <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_PROJNODE"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
       <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_ITEMNODE"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
       <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_FOLDERNODE"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0600">
       <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_SOLNNODE"/>
  3. Debug the package and see: This will add an entry for the solution, project and project items in a simple C# project. But when I create a ASP.NET website project (File->New->WebSite) I won't get these entries except for the solution item.

I'm sure this must be possible due to the fact, that NuGet has an entry for the website project item. unfortunately, I was not able to extract that piece of code from the NuGet source code.


  • After a while I found a solution: (I accidentally looked into the StyleCop source code :P)

    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0050">
      <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_WEBFOLDER"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0050">
      <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_WEBITEMNODE"/>
    <Group guid="guidVSPackage1CmdSet" id="MyMenuGroup" priority="0x0050">
      <Parent guid="guidSHLMainMenu" id="IDM_VS_CTXT_WEBPROJECT"/>

    These are not documented on MSDN.

    Anyway, I'm curious how NuGet does it, because they have nothing in the vsct file, but an entry in the context menu.