I am confused on DataTable.DefaultView.Sort. Here is the segment of the code I want to use it in.
actionLogDT.DefaultView.Sort = "StartDate";
foreach (CustomerService.ActionLogStartEndRow logRow in actionLogDT)
// code here
The samples I have seen don't use the foreach loop and thus is confusing me on how to process this. It isn't sorting as I thought it should be.
I see that .DefaultView returns a view, and .Table gives a compile error.
I had to take a slightly different approach. This post was the closest I could find to get my code to work. Here is the working result:
actionLogDT.DefaultView.Sort = "StartDate";
DataView dv = actionLogDT.DefaultView;
foreach (DataRowView logRow in dv) { . . . }
From there I just have to cast the value back into it's proper type.