I'm using Hibernate (3.3.x) and I have two entities:
public class FtChargeAcctPkgDtl {
private FtChargeAcctPkgDtlId id;
private Set<FtChargeAcctPkgRate> ftChargeAcctPkgRates;
public class FtChargeAcctPkgRate {
private FtChargeAcctPkgRateId id;
(left other attributes and setters out for simplicity).
I have a native query:
<sql-query name="readSymbolsFtPackages">
<return alias="pkgDtl" class="somepackage.FtChargeAcctPkgDtl"/>
<return-join alias="pkgRate" property="pkgDtl.ftChargeAcctPkgRates"/>
SELECT {pkgDtl.*}, {pkgRate.*}
FROM ft_charge_acct_pkg_dtl pkgDtl
JOIN ft_charge_acct_pkg_rate pkgRate
ON pkgRate.master_seq_no = pkgDtl.master_seq_no -- just primary key
AND pkgRate.pkg_id = pkgDtl.pkg_id
The query is supposed (I want it to) return one row for every item in pkgDtl, with FtChargeAcctPkgDtl#ftChargeAcctPkgRates filled in. But in fact it returns one row for every item in ft_charge_acct_pkg_rate.
Lets say there are 5 rows in the main (pkgDtl) table and 50 in the joined one (average 10 pkgRates for a single pkgDtl). When I invoke the query using
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("readSymbolsFtPackages");
I get 50 rows. 45 of those are duplicates however. I want to get those 5 pkgDtls and every one with filled in pkdRates. Is there a way to do this in hibernate?
Inspired by @manu-navarro I came with this transformer:
* Transformer, that returns only distinct rows from the set.
* Distinction is based on all <return alias/> items.
public class DistinctResultTransformer extends BasicTransformerAdapter {
public List transformList(List collection) {
// set of objects already in the result
Set<List<Object>> existingRows = new HashSet<List<Object>>();
List result = new ArrayList();
for (Object row : collection) {
// array must be converted to list as array has equals() implemented using ==
List<Object> rowAsList = Arrays.asList((Object[]) row);
if (!existingRows.contains(rowAsList)) {
return result;
and then registed it using
Query query = session.getNamedQuery("readSymbolsFtPackages");
query.setResultTransformer(new DistinctResultTransformer());
and this works quite well.