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How to perform "find" command with another embedded command in another directory?

I would like to write a function which is to perform "find" command with another embedded command, %recent% in another directory(share drive).

Below is the idea:

REM Take in log file name input eg. "result_10030" = %1 to search for all result_10030*.log = %1*.log
REM Use the following to list the files matching result_10030*.log

for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /d /od /b %1*.log') do set recent=%%x
echo %recent%

REM Use %recent% as the file to perform find
REM Take in %2 as share drive path

find "PASSED" %2%recent%

Apparently it is not working.

Your advice will be much appreciated! :)


  • The DIR /D and /B options are not compatible - the /B option overrides the /D option.

    Your FOR /F loop also needs to know what path to look in, not just your FIND commnad. The simplest thing to do is change your current directory to your desired path.

    pushd %2
    for /f "delims=" %%x in ('dir /d /od /b "%~1*.log"') do set "recent=%%x"
    echo %recent%
    find "PASSED" "%recent%"
    set rtn=%errorlevel%
    exit /b %rtn%