I had found this free source code in http://www.broccoliproducts.com/softnotebook/desblowfish/BlowFishCrytography.cs
When I imported it in my project, it gave me some error about
The name '_assertBufferMatch' does not exist in the current context
The name '_assertBufferMatch' does not exist in the current context
The name 'Trace' does not exist in the current context
I hadn't modified everything, just rebuild the project, then the error occurred .
this error one is
public static void Test()
// Declaration of local variables
Random rnd = new Random(1);
byte[] Key = null;
byte[] bufferIn = null;
byte[] bufferOut = null;
byte[] bufferReturned = null;
// Loop through the test vectors
for (int iTest = 0; iTest < TestKeys.Length; iTest++)
// Load the key and plain-text
Key = BitConverter.GetBytes(TestKeys[iTest]).Reverse().ToArray();
bufferIn = BitConverter.GetBytes(TestPlainText[iTest]).Reverse().ToArray();
// Encrypt with BlowFish
BlowFishCrytography.BlowFish(bufferIn, ref bufferOut, Key, true);
// Compare with expected result
byte[] expectedBufferOut = BitConverter.GetBytes(TestCypherText[iTest]).Reverse().ToArray();
// Loop through decrypt-encrypt tests
for (int iTest = 0; iTest < 100*1000; iTest++)
// Dump progress
if ((iTest % 100) == 0)
Trace.TraceInformation("Test {0}", iTest);
// Load the key and plain-text
Key = CreateBlowFishKey(rnd, MAX_KEY_BYTE_LENGTH);
// Create a buffer of data
int iLength = rnd.Next(1, 10*1024);
_softCreateBuffer(ref bufferIn, iLength);
// Encrypt with BlowFish
BlowFishCrytography.BlowFishWithPadding(bufferIn, ref bufferOut, Key, true);
// Decrypt with BlowFish
BlowFishCrytography.BlowFishWithPadding(bufferOut, ref bufferReturned, Key, false);
// Compare buffers
_assertBufferMatch(bufferIn, bufferReturned);
That code is a unit test for the module. It seems that the test is included for Silverlight, but the _assertBufferMatch
method it needs is excluded for Silverlight.
I would just remove the method and any calls to it. It will only run in debug builds, so it won't be necessary for the algorithm to actually work.