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PHPUnit: How do I mock this file system?

Consider the following scenario (this is not production code):

 class MyClass {
    public function myMethod() {
        // create a directory
        $path = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . md5(rand());
        if(!mkdir($path)) {
            throw new Exception("mkdir() failed.");

        // create a file in that folder
        $myFile = fopen("$path/myFile.txt", "w");
        if(!$myFile) {
            throw new Exception("Cannot open file handle.");

Right, so what's the problem? Code coverage reports that this line is not covered:

throw new Exception("Cannot open file handle.");

Which is correct, but since I'm creating the folder above logically it would seem impossible for the fopen() to fail (except maybe in extreme circumstances, like disk at 100 %).

I could ignore the code from code coverage but thats kind of cheating. Is there any way I can mock the file system so that it can recognise myFile.txt and mock the file system unable to create the file?


  • vfsStream is a stream wrapper for a virtual filesystem that is useful in unit tests to mock the real filesystem. You can install it from composer.

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