When writing RST that will be processed with Sphinx, I can't get Sphinx LaTeX output to use figure numbers when referencing figures. For instance, this code:
The lemmings are attacking, as can be seen in :ref:`figlem`.
.. _figlem:
.. figure:: _static/lemming_invasion.*
They're coming!
Will be converted into this:
The lemmings are attacking, as can be seen in They're coming!
/image goes here/
Figure 1.1: They're coming!
But what I want is the "standard" LaTeX way of referencing figures, like this:
The lemmings are attacking, as can be seen in Figure 1.1
How do I achieve this? The code I'm currently using is what the Sphinx manual recommends, but it doesn't produce the output I want.
The numfig extension does exactly this. I tried it and it worked for me.