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WPF Nested Scrollviewers - giving control back to parent scollviewer

This is what my control tree looks like:


Using the mouse wheel, the control automatically passes from parent to child scrollviewer, but when I scroll to the end of the child scrollviewer the control doesn't pass back to the parent scorllviewer. How do I achieve this?

The expander, grid and the scrollviewers are dynamically generated.


  • I get a similar trouble in my application. I correct it by a depency property that will catch and pass the event too his parent. This can be applied to any control that have a scroll in it. But for me, i didn't need to validate if it was at the end of the scroll to send to his parent. You will just have to add, in the OnValueChanged method, a validation for if the scroll is at the end or at the top to send to his parent.

    using System.Windows.Controls;
    public static class SendMouseWheelToParent
       public static readonly DependencyProperty ScrollProperty
         = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent",
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnValueChanged));
       /// <summary>
       /// Gets the IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent for a given <see cref="TextBox"/>.
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="control">
       /// The <see cref="TextBox"/> whose IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent is to be retrieved.
       /// </param>
       /// <returns>
       /// The IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent, or <see langword="null"/>
       /// if no IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent has been set.
       /// </returns>
       public static bool? GetIsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent(Control control)
           if (control == null)
               throw new ArgumentNullException("");
           return control.GetValue(ScrollProperty) as bool?;
       /// <summary>
       /// Sets the IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent for a given <see cref="TextBox"/>.
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="control">
       /// The <see cref="TextBox"/> whose IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent is to be set.
       /// </param>
       /// <param name="IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent">
       /// The IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent to set, or <see langword="null"/>
       /// to remove any existing IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent from <paramref name="control"/>.
       /// </param>
       public static void SetIsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent(Control control, bool? sendToParent)
           if (control == null)
               throw new ArgumentNullException("");
           control.SetValue(ScrollProperty, sendToParent);
       private static void OnValueChanged(DependencyObject dependencyObject, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
           var scrollViewer = dependencyObject as Control;
           bool? IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent = e.NewValue as bool?;
           scrollViewer.PreviewMouseWheel -= scrollViewer_PreviewMouseWheel;
           if (IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent != null && IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent != false)
             scrollViewer.SetValue(ScrollProperty, IsSendingMouseWheelEventToParent);
             scrollViewer.PreviewMouseWheel += scrollViewer_PreviewMouseWheel;
       private static void scrollViewer_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
           var scrollview = sender as Control;
           var eventArg = new MouseWheelEventArgs(e.MouseDevice, e.Timestamp, e.Delta);
           eventArg.RoutedEvent = UIElement.MouseWheelEvent;
           eventArg.Source = sender;
           var parent = scrollview.Parent as UIElement;