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Wicket - DropDownChoice POJO to Property Model

Little problem with DropDownChoice. I build a DropDownChoice with a list of Object. Take for example:

public MyClass 
  private String code;
  private String description;

than take another Object

public FormModelObject
   private String code;

I can easly build the DropDownChoice selecting what show (description property) and what obtain (code property) using ChoiceRender.

Unfortunally the DropDownChoice return the entire Object (MyClass) and I cannot set the property Code inside FormModelObject (it simply launch a toString() method on MyClass).

How can I obtain it without using Ajax?



  • Well, you could override method onModelChanged() of DropDownChoice and update residenceZipCode with the new value. Something like :

    DropDownChoice<City> drop = new DropDownChoice<City>("residenceZipCode",new Model(), cityList,new ChoiceRenderer<City>("name", "zipcode")){
           String newZipCode =  (String)PropertyResolver.getValue("zipCode",getModelObject());
           PropertyResolver.setValue("residenceZipCode", res, newZipCode, new  PropertyResolverConverter());

    DropDownChoice must have its own model.