My notification contains several buttons :
The problem is, the first button does not close the status bar...
the PendingIntent sent by the first button :
Intent activityIntent = new Intent(smp, MusicShaker.class)
remoteViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, PendingIntent
.getActivity(ctxt, 0, activityIntent,
the activity is correctly launched, but the status bar stays there and does not close itself.
Am I missing/misunderstanding a flag ? can I close the status bar progamaticaly from MyActivity.onResume() ?
edit: by the way, the notification is pushed by a service
thanks =)
ok, I found a solution...
I could not reproduce the same behavior produced by standard notification, so I :
- made my imageButton "notif_album_IV" non clickable, and change it to an ImageView
- used this code :
builder.setContentIntent(PendingIntent.getActivity(smp, 0,
instead of setting the setOnClickPendingIntent "manually" on the image, the intent broadcast is handled by the content background