I have two tables lesson and subjects. It is a one to many ratio as in each lesson can be categorized under 1 or more subjects resulting in something like "Name" subject: math, science, social studies
This would return 3 records:
Name, math
Name, science
name, social studies
This results in my looping through and combining and messes up my search count
How can I get one record with all three instead? So my search count is accurate and I don't need extra PHP code to check if name is the same and gather the extra subject?
I've tried basic
SELECT * FROM lesson INNER JOIN subjects ON subject.id = lesson.subject
But this results in 3 entries
My query is more complicated than I lead on. I have a middle table keeping tracking of the two tables above and their relation
This query is for searching. Here's what I have.
SELECT name, subject
FROM lesson As l
INNER JOIN lesson_sub As ls
ON ls.lesson_id = l.id
INNER JOIN subjects As s
ON s.id = ls.subject_id
WHERE CONCAT(l.name, s.subject) LIKE '%KEYWORD%' AND s.id = SUBJECT_ID
You can use the GROUP_CONCAT() function with your JOIN query:
This function returns a string result with the concatenated non-NULL values from a group. It returns NULL if there are no non-NULL values. The full syntax is as follows:
GROUP_CONCAT([DISTINCT] expr [,expr ...] [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | col_name | expr} [ASC | DESC] [,col_name ...]] [SEPARATOR str_val])
mysql> SELECT student_name, -> GROUP_CONCAT(test_score) -> FROM student -> GROUP BY student_name;
mysql> SELECT student_name, -> GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT test_score -> ORDER BY test_score DESC SEPARATOR ' ') -> FROM student -> GROUP BY student_name;
SELECT lesson.name, GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM lesson JOIN subjects ON (subject.id = lesson.subject)
GROUP BY lesson.name;
CREATE TABLE lesson ( name varchar (20), subject integer );
CREATE TABLE subjects ( id integer, name varchar(20) );
INSERT INTO subjects VALUES ( 1, 'Math' ), ( 2, 'Physics' ), ( 3, 'Chemistry' );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson A', 1 );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson A', 2 );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson A', 3 );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson B', 2 );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson B', 3 );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 'Lesson C', 1 );
SELECT lesson.name, GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ')
FROM lesson JOIN subjects ON (subjects.id = lesson.subject)
GROUP BY lesson.name;
| name | GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ') |
| Lesson A | Math, Chemistry, Physics |
| Lesson B | Chemistry, Physics |
| Lesson C | Math |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
MORE COMPLICATED TEST (with intermediate table)
CREATE TABLE lesson ( id integer, name varchar (20) );
CREATE TABLE subjects ( id integer, name varchar(20) );
CREATE TABLE lesson_sub ( lesson_id integer, subject_id integer );
INSERT INTO subjects VALUES ( 1, 'Math' ), ( 2, 'Physics' ), ( 3, 'Chemistry' );
INSERT INTO lesson VALUES ( 1, 'Lesson A' ), ( 2, 'Lesson B' ), ( 3, 'Lesson C' );
INSERT INTO lesson_sub VALUES (1,1), (1,2),(1,3),(2,2),(2,3),(3,1);
SELECT lesson.name, GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects
FROM lesson_sub JOIN lesson ON ( lesson.id = lesson_sub.lesson_id )
JOIN subjects ON (subjects.id = lesson_sub.subject_id)
WHERE CONCAT(lesson.name, subjects.name) LIKE '%Chem%'
GROUP BY lesson.name;
SELECT name, subjects FROM (
SELECT lesson.name, GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ') AS subjects
FROM lesson_sub JOIN lesson ON ( lesson.id = lesson_sub.lesson_id )
JOIN subjects ON (subjects.id = lesson_sub.subject_id)
GROUP BY lesson.name ) AS lesson_clear
WHERE CONCAT(name, subjects) LIKE '%Chem%';
| name | GROUP_CONCAT(subjects.name SEPARATOR ', ') |
| Lesson A | Chemistry |
| Lesson B | Chemistry |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| name | subjects |
| Lesson A | Physics, Math, Chemistry |
| Lesson B | Physics, Chemistry |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)