Our Asp.net web application is using LINQ-to-SQL (Stored Procs are dragged on dropped on dbml file to create classes) and 3 tier architecture is similar to the one below. I have just created rough methods to give reader proper idea so that he can answer well.
namespace MyDataLayer
public class MyDataAccess
// global instance of datacontext
MyDataModelDataContext myDB = new MyDataModelDataContext(); (#1)
public void GetUserIDByUsername(string sUserName, ref int iUserID)
int? iUserIDout = 0;
// this will make call to SP in SQL DB
myDB.USP_RP_GETUSERIDBYUSERNAME(sUserName, "", ref iUserIDout);
iUserID = (int)iUserIDout;
public List<USP_APP_USERDETAILSResult> GetUserDetails(string sUserIDs)
// this will make call to SP in SQL DB
return myDB.USP_APP_USERDETAILS(sUserIDs).ToList();
... // several CRUD methods
namespace MyBusinessLayer
public class SiteUser
// global DataAccess instance
MyDataLayer.MyDataAccess myDA = new MyDataAccess(); (#2)
public void GetUserIDByUsername(string sUserName, ref int iUserID)
myDA.GetUserIDByUsername(sUserName, ref iUserID);
public List<USP_APP_USERDETAILSResult> GetUserDetails(string sUserIDs)
// this will make call to SP in SQL DB
return myDA.GetUserDetails(sUserIDs);
... // several CRUD methods
namespace MyWebApplication
public class BaseWebPage : System.Web.UI.Page
// static business layer instance
public static MyBusinessLayer.SiteUser UserBLInstance = new SiteUser(); (#3)
// Index.aspx.cs code fragment
namespace MyWebApplication
public class Index : BaseWebPage
public void PopulateUserDropDown()
// using static business layer instance declared in BaseWebPage
List<USP_APP_USERDETAILSResult> listUsers = UserBLInstance.GetUserDetails("1,2,3");
// do databinding and so on ...
We are facing periodic InvalidCastException on production server for a very simple method which works fine if I restart my application from IIS. When this problem is there we can access the same database from SQL Management Studio and can execute same SP
Our prime suspect about this issue is poor DataContext management and I have read many articles on net about managing life time of DataContext but I am now confused about various approach. That's why I have elaborated my questions so that many in same situation can get clear idea about problem/answer.
(Ref.#1) Is having global datacontext in DataAccess good approach? yes/no why?
However, creating it manually inside the dataaccess class means that you can't control the lifetime of the datacontext. Instead, make it then a constructor parameter so that it is injected into the data access
(Ref.#2) Is having global DataAccess instance in BusinessLayer good approach? yes/no why?
Yes. But refer to 1. - make it injectable via the constructor.
(Ref. #3) Is static business layer instance declared in BaseWebPage good approach? yes/no why?
No. Avoid static for complex objects as usually such objects has non-trivial state. And this is when a lot of nasty issues can happen if you share such objects in a concurrent environment.
To summarize.
public class DataAccess {
public DataAccess( DataContext context ) { ... }
public class BusinessLayer {
public BusinessLayer( DataAccess access ) { ... }
public class MyPage : Page {
var ctx = TheDataContext.Current;
var bl = new BusinessLayer( new DataAccess( ctx ) );
with data context shared in a request scope:
public partial class TheDataContext {
// Allow the datacontext to be shared in a request-scope
public static TheDataContext Current {
get {
if ( HttpContext.Current.Items["context"] == null )
HttpContext.Current.Items.Add( "context", new TheDataContext() );
return (TheDataContext)HttpContext.Current.Items["context"];