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Migrating legacy users to symfony2

I'm moving from expressionengine to symfony2 and I'm looking for the best way to migrate the user passwords. The goal is to let legacy users log in with their existing credentials, while passwords for new users are created the default way.

I have looked at custom authentication providers and custom user providers and thought about wether or not to create a separate entity for the legacy users, but I don't know what'd be the best way/design to achieve the above.


  • As far as I can see, expressionengine just encrypts the password using sha1 and that's it.
  • I am currently using FOSUserBundle.

Can anyone advice me on a solution?


  • Figured it out!

    Create a custom encoder and use FOSAdvancedEncoder bundle to select the appropriate encoder.

    1. Create the encoder

        namespace Acme\MyBundle\Security\Encoder;
        use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\PasswordEncoderInterface;
        class LegacyEncoder implements PasswordEncoderInterface {
            public function encodePassword($raw, $salt)
                // Your Custom encoder logic
                return $something 
            public function isPasswordValid($encoded, $raw, $salt)
                return $encoded === $this->encodePassword($raw, $salt);

    2. Register your encoder as service

            class: Acme\MyBundle\Security\Encoder\LegacyEncoder

    3. Install FOSAdvancedEncoderBundle

    Look here:

    4. Configure your encoders

    In app/config.yml:

            FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: sha512
                id: acme.legacy_encoder

    5. Implement the encoder aware interface in your User Class

    use FOS\AdvancedEncoderBundle\Security\Encoder\EncoderAwareInterface;
    use FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
    class User extends BaseUser implements EncoderAwareInterface {
      public function getEncoderName() {
          if($this->islegacy()) {
              return "legacy_encoder";
          return NULL;

    Remember to add a boolean field to administer if a user is a legacy user or not.

    That's it.