I'm working on someone else's code where they're building a TcxGrid without going through the visual editor. I will be exporting that grid to excel so I need to set the column type to TcxSpinEdit (contents are all numbers).
How can I set the property? I tried with PropertyClass and PropertyClassName but none of them work (I still get the "number as text" warning in excel).
This is the relevant part:
Stolpec: TcxGridDBColumn;
if CheckBoxStevilkoMultiTime.Checked then
Stolpec := cxGrid1DBTableView3.CreateColumn;
Stolpec.DataBinding.FieldName := 'STVLK_INI_C';
Stolpec.Width := larghCol;
Stolpec.FooterAlignmentHorz := taRightJustify;
Stolpec.GroupSummaryAlignment := taRightJustify;
Stolpec.Name := 'cxGrid1DBTableView3' + Colonna.DataBinding.FieldName;
TcxGridDBTableSummaryItem(cxGrid1DBTableView3.DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems[5]).Column := Stolpec;
TcxGridDBTableSummaryItem(cxGrid1DBTableView3.DataController.Summary.DefaultGroupSummaryItems[5]).Position := posIndx;
Stolpec.Caption := 'Stevilko';
Stolpec.Options.Editing := False;
Stolpec.PropertiesClass := TcxSpinEditProperties;
TcxSpinEditProperties(Stolpec.Properties).MaxValue:= 10;