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Error: lvalue required in this simple C code? (Ternary with assignment?)
In the following piece of code I got an error like "lvalue required as left operand of assignment
". I am unable to understand why such an error is being reported. But when I am using parenthesis in the expression like (i>j)?(k=i):(k=j)
it is not reporting an error. please explain.
int main() {
int i = 2;
int j = 9;
int k;
(i > j) ? k = i : k = j;
printf("%d\n", k);
return 0;
It's clear that this condition can be rewritten in a better way, but your problem is observed because of the precedence of =
and ?:
The assignment operator ?:
has higher precedence than =
, thus the expression
( i > j ) ? k = i : k = j;
Is equivalent to
(( i > j ) ? k = i : k) = j;
Which is not correct, because you cannot assign to an expression result.
In fact, this case is similar to (( i > j ) : i : j) = 10;
which isn't correct either.