Sorry for long post. String from plist crash my program when i using it in the second time. I have cocos2d project (attach) with one scene and one object. And one .plist file
HelloWorldLayer.h & .m (instantiate from CCLayer)
NodeObject.h & .m (instantiate from CCNode)
In NodeObject i have one local string and two method
@interface NodeObject : CCNode
NSString *stringForPrint;
-(void)createObjWithString:(NSString *)string;
In this both method we print string obtained in parameter string
-(void)createObjWithString:(NSString *)string
stringForPrint = string;
NSLog(@"NodeObject.createObjWithString stringForPrint >> %@", stringForPrint);
NSLog(@"NodeObject.printString stringForPrint >> %@", stringForPrint);
Plis content is one array with one dictionary whit item type string.
-TestArray <Array>
--item 0 <Dictionary>
---type <String> == "This is string from plist"
For test, into the scene i'm create NodeObject and get dada from plist. And print this string. It's work correctly.
if ([testDictionary objectForKey:@"TestArray"]) {
for (NSDictionary *tempItemData in [testDictionary objectForKey:@"TestArray"]) {
NSLog(@"type form plist in for loop > %@", [tempItemData objectForKey:@"type"]);//It's cool work. True string from plist.
I create my NodeObject into the loop. And it's work again.
if ([testDictionary objectForKey:@"TestArray"]) {
for (NSDictionary *tempItemData in [testDictionary objectForKey:@"TestArray"]) {
NodeObject *testObj = [NodeObject node];
//and send it string from plist
[testObj createObjWithString:[tempItemData objectForKey:@"type"]];
BUT! if i have tried use this string in the printString method form NodeObject, app will crash without log. [testObj printString]; //crash app
I repeat. Object creation with manual string work. If using string from plist it's crash. I broke my head. And only in the second method. In the createObjWithStrig it work.
NodeObject *testObj = [NodeObject node];
[testObj createObjWithString:@"manual string object"];
[testObj printString]; // Print correct string
NodeObject *testObj = [NodeObject node];
[testObj createObjWithString:[tempItemData objectForKey:@"type"]];
[testObj printString]; //Crash here
I'm attach project file. Can test this
On Apple forum i found the answer. Object i get out from plist is autoreleased. It's can not be just assigned and using later.
I should use retain or copy.
printString = [string retain];
solved this problem.