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SOQL Aggregate query: Count number of rows returned

The following is my SOQL query:

select COUNT(Id) FROM Payroll_Group_Detail__c where Tax_Batch__c=null and CreatedDate >=2012-07-21T00:00:00-05:00 and Total_Tax_Amount__c!=null GROUP By Company__c,Name,Payment_Date__c,Pay_Cycle_Type__c;

I am was trying to count the number of rows returned by this group by clause. But instead of getting one count, I get multiple rows. How to get the overall count of rows returned by this grouping?

Thanks, Calvin


  • Just counting records:

    Integer counter = [ Select count() 
                        FROM Payroll_Group_Detail__c 
                        Where Tax_Batch__c = null 
                        And CreatedDate >= 2012-07-21T00:00:00-05:00 
                        And Total_Tax_Amount__c != null ];
    System.debug('My counted records: ' + counter);

    With a GROUP BY:

    AggregateResult[] aggr = [ Select count(Id) 
                               FROM Payroll_Group_Detail__c 
                               Where Tax_Batch__c = null 
                               And CreatedDate >= 2012-07-21T00:00:00-05:00 
                               And Total_Tax_Amount__c != null
                               Group By Total_Tax_Amount__c ];
    Integer counter = Integer.valueOf(aggr.size());
    System.debug('#### counter: ' + counter);

    But remember, you can not count more than the allowed governor limit (Total number of records retrieved by SOQL queries -> 50,000)