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Websphere Commerce (WCS7) Gift Card Query

After adding a gift card to the shopping cart (a random WCS example:, what DB2 table are the fields for 'To', 'From', and 'Message' stored in?

What query can be ran to grab a gift card's database info. (such as the personalized message) with that particular order ID?

How do you identify the specific gift card (the one added to the shopping cart) given your order? Will the gift card have its own unique id like order id / where do you find the gift card's unique id?



  • Looks like to be a custom thing. I have check on the InfoCenter and the source code and there is no information about that.

    In your exemple on Sony website, the Gift card is just a special product. When you click "Add to cart" on a product, you get an OrderId and a OrderItemId.

    I gess they put the information "From" and "To" inside a custom table with the orderitemId as a relation key, or a custom field of orderitem table (field2 for example is a varchar).


    Finaly, the table ORDERITEMGIFT seems correspond to you wish. You can take a look to the infocenter description

    I'm not sure that table should be used like that but the description of the field GIFTMESSAGE looks interesting.

    A message to accompany the gift (order item), from the gift giver to the gift registrant.

    Hope my answer is helpful.

    Regards, Dekx