I was wondering how I could possibly organize one vector by placing it into an another. (Note: They are vector of objects). What i have so far is:
double done;
for ( int i = 0; i < id; i++ )
done = guy[i].done();
int smallest = i;
for( int j = i + 1; j < id; j++ ){
if( done > guy[j].done() )
done = guy[j].done();
smallest = j;
newGuy.push_back( guy[smallest] );
This doesn't organize every part of the vector, and sometimes even copies the same guy into the newGuy. Any ideas?
If you are trying to sort the vector, you could define a custom less-than comparator for your objects, and use std::sort.
bool myComparison(const MyType& lhs, const MyType& rhs) {
return lhs.done() < rhs.done();
std::vector<MyType> guy = ....;
std::sort(guy.begin(), guy.end(), myComparison);
If you want it all to go to a new vector, then just copy the original, then sort the copy:
std::vector<MyType> newGuy = guy;
std::sort(newGuy.begin(), newGuy.end(), myComparison);