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Intergral/derivative in erlang

I know that Erlang isn't generally used for this sort of things, but by any chance is there numerical functions with integral/derivative being already written(like quad in GNU Octave, taking function and two numbers)?


  • You may solve problem with functional programmatic approach.

    As you know derivative defined as dF(X) = ( F(X+dX) - F(X) ) / dX

    Let's create generic function, which returns derivative functions:

    -module( calc ).
    -export( [ d/2 ] ).
    d( F, Dx ) ->
            fun( X ) ->
                    ( F( X + Dx ) - F ( X ) ) / Dx

    Example of usage in interpreter:

    1> c(calc).

    Let's define Sqr function: ( X * X )

    2> Sqr = fun( X ) -> X * X end.

    Let's get derivative from Sqr

    3> DSqr = calc:d( Sqr, 0.001 ).

    Check Sqr function:

    4> [ Sqr( X ) || X <- lists:seq( 1, 10 ) ].

    And check derivative ( as you know - derivative from ( X * X ) is ( 2 * X ) )

    5> [ DSqr( X ) || X <- lists:seq( 1, 10 ) ].

    Because of using finite value of dX = 0.001 - we didn't get clear result, but it's very close to real [ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 ]

    Integral function might be defined in similar way. Definite integral is:

    definite integral formula

    So antiderivative is:

    enter image description here

    F(0) - constant. And definite integral can be expressed through any numerical integration algorithm.