In my app, I use OleDbDataAdapter's & access data thru it to datasets. The code is :
Dim id As Integer
typeSql = "SELECT DOCHDR.dochdr_lDocId, TXNTYP.txntyp_cDocTypCat FROM TXNTYP INNER JOIN DOCHDR ON TXNTYP.txntyp_sDocTyp = DOCHDR.dochdr_sDocType WHERE ((DOCHDR.dochdr_lDocId)=395920);"
typeAdap = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(typeSql, connStr)
typeDs = New DataSet()
type_adap.Fill(type_ds) ' THROWS ERROR
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("ERROR : " + ex.Message + " INNER " + ex.InnerException.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("STACK = " + ex.StackTrace())
End Try
I use other OleDbAdapter before this and other after this, but its this adap only that's throwing exception. Other all adaps/ds r filled the same way as above using different variables fo all.
MEssage : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If I execute the query in DB, it shows 1 row
I can't makeout what is wrong here. Can anyone point out where am I going wrong ??
Dim id As Integer
typeSql = "SELECT DOCHDR.dochdr_lDocId, TXNTYP.txntyp_cDocTypCat FROM TXNTYP INNER JOIN DOCHDR ON TXNTYP.txntyp_sDocTyp = DOCHDR.dochdr_sDocType WHERE ((DOCHDR.dochdr_lDocId)=395920);"
typeAdap = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(typeSql, connStr)
typeDs = New DataSet()
typeAdap.Fill(typeDs) ' THROWS ERROR
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("ERROR : " + ex.Message + " INNER " + ex.InnerException.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("STACK = " + ex.StackTrace())
End Try