Assume I've 2 user levels: user(u) and admin(a). I want to show both users a set of data, but the users is not permitted to see al data.
c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 |
u/a| a | u/a| a |
In a MVC structure where do I have to determine which data needs to be shown? Do I have to check in the controller which data I need from my model? Or do I have to get all 4 columns and determine in my view whether the current viewer is a user or an admin? In case it is a user only column 1 and 3 has to be shown.
It seems to me that "what to show" is more along the lines of the view responsibilities.
View requests the current users access level from model layer, and then , based on the acquired information, view requests either user or admin specific information and picks the appropriate templates for rendering the page.