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ActionBarSherlock + maven + eclipse: dependency not found in workspace

I've updated to lastest version of ADT Plugin and I faced this issue, solved updating also m2e-android eclipse plugin. Now, I'm able to compile my project through console, but not with eclipse. This is the exception thrown by pom.xml file in eclipse:

dependency=[com.actionbarsherlock:library:apklib:4.1.0:compile] not found in workspace

In previous versions of ADT/m2e-android, I was able to build both console and eclipse without problems.

Does anyone know how to solve this? Maybe my pom.xml is wrong?

Thanks for your time.

Currently using:

  • Eclipse classic 3.7.2 (with Juno the problem persists)
  • ADT 20.0.3
  • m2e-android 0.42
  • android-maven-plugin 3.3.0
  • maven 3.0.4
  • m2e 1.1.0 (included as a dependency in m2e-android 0.42)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


        <!-- some unrelated dependencies -->




                <!-- This profile is only activated when m2e.version is present (only 
                    in eclipse) -->


Answer is right. Having ABS library project mavenized in my workspace, error is gone! But, another problem appeared: ABS transitive dependencies are added to my project, causing eclipse to be not able to launch the application. This is a known issue you can follow here.


  • As of Android 0.4.2 you now need to mavenise the Android library projects in your Eclipse workspace for m2e-android to successfully detect them. The POM for ActionBarSherlock can be found here:

    Note: m2e-android is beta software and so changes that might affect functionality can occur between releases.