I would like to know some insights or ideas regarding the custom list like view in the new google plus updated android app. I'm specifically researching to know if this was a list view or a scroll view with inflated custom views in it.
P.S this also has a custom entry in animation when user scrolls which is giving me a doubt that this could also be a list view with custom adapter which has an animation when list items are recycled via getView.
Check the screenshot for some clear understanding.
I don't have installed this app, but at least the way how it looks could be implemented with a ListView
A custom adapter needs to be defined, and that custom adapter will inflate the layout for every entry, in the getView()
The layout of every entry, or with other words the layout of each row, could be represented by a RelativeLayout
with all its components: The title, the +1 button, the photo, the date, etc.