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Spring .NET constructor injection of object created by other dependecy

Following problem:

I'm developing a WCF Service that uses RabbitMQ to connect to an API. We use spring as a DI container.

We made a consumer class (some custom logic for rabbit MQ + logging)

Trimmed down version:

public class Consumer : DefaultBasicConsumer
    public Consumer(IModel channel)
            : base(channel)

And we have a ConnectionManager class:

public class ConnectionManager
    public IModel Channel { get; set; }
    public IConnection Connection { get; set; }

    private readonly ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;

    public ConnectionManager()
        _connectionFactory = SetupConnectionFactory();

        Connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
        Channel = Connection.CreateModel();

Now the problem, when wiring up everyting with Spring.NET. We want to inject the Channel property of the ConnectionManager class into the Consumer constructor.

Spring config so far (Trimmed down):

      <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/>
    <object name="connectionManager" type="Epex.ConnectionManager, EpexData" singleton="true"/>

    <object name="consumer" type="Epex.Consumer, EpexData">
      <constructor-arg ref="Do something funky here"/>

So what do I place on the Do Something funky here?

We could also rewrite and inject the ConnectionManager in the consumer (Last option)


  • You can modify ConnectionManager

    public class ConnectionManager
      public IModel Channel { get; set; }
      public IConnection Connection { get; set; }
      private readonly ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
      public ConnectionManager()
        _connectionFactory = SetupConnectionFactory();
        Connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
        Channel = Connection.CreateModel();
      public IModel GetChannel()
        return Channel;
          <resource uri="config://spring/objects"/>
        <object name="connectionManager" type="Epex.ConnectionManager, EpexData" singleton="true"/>
        <object name="consumer" type="Epex.Consumer, EpexData">
            <object factory-object="connectionManager" factory-method="GetChannel" />