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jQuery plugin public method/function

I am trying to achieve something like the following but dont know whats wrong:

$.a = function() {

// some logic here

function abc(id) {



I tried using the return function, but that doesnt seem to work either. Can someone please help.

Thank you for your time.


  • Since $.a must be a function in itself, you'll have to add the abc function as a property to the $.a function:

    $.a = function () {
        // some logic here...
    $ = function (id) {
        alert('test' + id);

    If abc must be defined from within the $.a function, you can do the following. Do note that $ will not be available until $.a has been called when using this method! Nothing inside a function is evaluated until a function is called.

    $.a = function () {
        // Do some logic here...
        // Add abc as a property to the currently calling function ($.a) = function (id) {
            alert('test' + id);