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Make an indexed hash of environment variables

I have small ruby function to return a query result. I want to check the env variables on my server so i wrote this function. But it's not returning @result as I expected based on the puts output and the code. What am I doing wrong?

  def query(params=nil)
    @result = {}
    count = 1
    ENV.each do |k,v|
     @result[count.to_s] = { "name" => k, "company" => v }
     puts "[#{count.to_s}] = { 'name' => #{k}, 'company' => #{v} }"
     count += 1

Puts output:

irb(main):070:0> query
[1] = { 'name' => ALLUSERSPROFILE, 'company' => C:\ProgramData }
[2] = { 'name' => APPDATA, 'company' => C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming }
[3] = { 'name' => CLIENTNAME, 'company' => xxxx }
[4] = { 'name' => COLUMNS, 'company' => 160 }
[5] = { 'name' => CommonProgramFiles, 'company' => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files }
[6] = { 'name' => CommonProgramFiles(x86), 'company' => C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files }
[7] = { 'name' => CommonProgramW6432, 'company' => C:\Program Files\Common Files }


irb(main):075:0> @result
=> {"ALLUSERSPROFILE"=>"C:\\ProgramData", "APPDATA"=>"C:\\Users\\xxxx\\AppData\\Roaming", "CLIENTNAME"=>"wxxxx", "COLUMNS"=>"160", "CommonProgramFiles"=>"C:
\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files", "CommonProgramFiles(x86)"=>"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files", "CommonProgramW6432"=>"C:\\Program Files\\Common Files .....


  • Hmm, that's strange. I ran the code locally and it works as you expect it to, setting @result to something like the following...

     > @result
     => {"1"=>{"name"=>"jabjab", "company"=>"jibjib"}, "2"=>{"name"=>"blabla"...

    However, I did notice that query returns the contents of environment, which is what the value of @result looks like. Is it possible that you are calling query as follow, overwriting the value of @result? This could be easily overlooked.

    > @result = query