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Soap 1.2 not working with

I am feebly trying to implement a api interface into my platform. This is my first time using SOAP, I event had to recompile PHP to enable the libraries.

I'm moving along but now I'm having a problem. They support soap 1.1 and soap 1.2 requests, and when I run the following code:

$client = new SOAPClient(
        'trace' => 1

I get back a successful response from my request that comes after this.

However if I add the option to use soap 1.2 like this:

$client = new SOAPClient(
        'trace' => 1,
        'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2

I get the following error:

There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input

This line is not actually throwing the exception. Its the following command that throws it, but removing the soap_version is what "fixes it". I would like to use soap 1.2 so naturally this is bugging me.

FTR The command I'm running is this:

$authData = array(
    "Credentials" => array(
        "IntegrationID" => "MYUID",
        "Username"      => "MYUSERNAME",
        "Password"      => "MYPASSWORD"

try { 
    $objectresult = $client->AuthenticateUser($authData);
} catch (Exception $e) { 
    echo "EXCEPTION: " . $e->getMessage();

The WSDL file can be viewed here:

I have also checked in with their developer support and they said: "The message you are currently receiving is returned from whichever program you are designing your integration with. This has been commonly noted happening within Visual Basic where is creates a wrapper class that needs certain variables for the response. This could be similar to the behavior that you are experiencing. Please verify how your program language consumes a WSDL."

I also noticed that the __soapCall method excepts an "input headers" argument. I'm not entirely sure I should be / can even use that method in my code. I suppose I should just try and play with it.


  • Check your WSDL file. I was using the wrong one, and it appears you may be as well. Try this one:

    NOTE: The above is out of date. Contact for the current wsdl!