In my select statement, I have two returns that are calculations. It looks like this:
a.FormRate AS 'F-Rate'
,a.LoI AS 'Liability'
,CAST((A.FormRate * a.LoI / 100) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) 'F-Premium'
,a.EndorsementRate AS 'E-Rate'
,CAST((A.EndorsementRate * a.LoI / 100) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) 'E-Premium'
FROM tblAspecs a
Once I have those five statements in the select, I'd like to be able to total E-Premium + F-Premium into a new column. I could always do it this way:
,CAST(((A.EndorsementRate * a.Loi / 100) + (a.FormRate * a.LoI / 100)) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) 'Total Premium'
...but that just just seems to be quite sloppy and bulky. Is there a way to store the individual premiums so that I can just do a simple CAST((F-Premium + E-Premium) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) 'Total Premium'
The bulky way also doesn't leave F-Premium and E-Premium dynamic so that if I ever change how they're calculated, I'd have to also change the calculation in the Total Premium column.
Using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2010
Research Common Table Expressions.
It will look something like this:
;WITH [Data]
a.[LoI] AS [Liability],
CAST((a.[FormRate] * a.[LoI] / 100) AS DECIMAL(38,2)),
CAST((a.[EndorsementRate] * a.[LoI] / 100) AS DECIMAL(38,2))
tblAspecs a
CAST(([Data].[FormPremium] + [Data].[EndorsementPremium]) AS DECIMAL(38,2)) 'Total Premium'