I assigned myself some homework over the summer, and the project I am 98% finished with has come to a standstill due to this one problem.
I have a class called Mixed. It contains member data for a whole number, a numerator, and a denominator. I need to overload all of the common operators to allow multiplication, addition, comparison and streaming of objects of type Mixed. I have all the operators overloaded except for >> (the extraction operator).
All mixed numbers read in will be of format: whole numerator/denominator
ex: 1 2/3, 0 7/8, -3 18/5, 0 -1/89
Header: friend istream& operator>> (istream &, Mixed);
CPP file: istream& operator>> (istream &in, Mixed m) {...}
For the assignment, I am limited to the iostream and iomanip libraries. My plan was to read in the values from the stream and assign them to temporary int variables (w, n, d) which I would then use with the Mixed constructor to create object m. Unfortunately, I cannot think of a way to separate the numerator and denominator. They are both ints, but they have a char (/) between them.
Once again, I need to split a value like "22/34" into 22 and 34, using only iostream and iomanip. Is there some fairly obvious method I am overlooking? Is there a way to implicitly convert using pointers?
You could first extract the nominator, then the separating character, and then the denominator.
Example for illustration:
istream& operator>> (istream &in, Mixed &m) {
int num, denom;
char separ;
in >> num;
if (separ != '/')
in >> denom;
if (in) {
// All extraction worked
m.numerator = num;
m.denominator = denom;
return in;