On our Trac system, two things suddenly stopped working. The first thing is the update of the "Browse Source". The second thing is the auto-fixing feature. The only solution for the first issue is to manually run the post-commit hook of the SVN repository. But than we still have the problem, that Trac doesn't close ticket anymore depending on the SVN commit message. That was working before without any issues. Ah and a third thing is that PNG images are no longer shown in the HTML preview. The user has to download the file to see it.
Is there any known bug or issue for our described problem. Or how can I update the Trac system without loosing all the information within the Trac projects (I have set up a multi project Trac system).
The solution was the following: file permissions!
To solve the issue we used the sudo in the post-commit hooks of SVN like the following:
sudo /usr/local/bin/trac-admin /var/trac/reponame/ changeset added "reponame" $REV
And we had to allow the SVN user to run the trac-admin command using visudo:
www-data,svn ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/trac-admin