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{version} wildcard in MVC4 Bundle

In MVC 4 we have bundles. While defining the bundles we can use wildcards like * for all files in a folder.

In the example below what does -{version} mean?

public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
    bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(


  • The -{version} basically maps to a version regex, or to be precise: (\d+(?:\.\d+){1,3}).
    Using * tends to grab too much, for example if you bundle jquery*, that will include jquery-ui as well which might mess up the ordering. But using jquery-{version}.js would let you avoid having to update your bundle definition every time you upgrade jquery.

    Additional things to note:

    • {version} only works for the last part of the path--basically the file name--not a directory.
    • multiple version of jquery in the same folder will all get caught up.