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httplib and HTTPs proxies

Is there a way to tunnel HTTPs requests made with python's httplib through Fiddler's proxy, without turning Fiddler into a reverse proxy?

I tried using this example (from here):

import httplib
c = httplib.HTTPSConnection('localhost',8118)
r1 = c.getresponse()
print r1.status,r1.reason
data1 =
print len(data1)

but it returns:

<HTML><HEAD><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><TITLE>Fiddler Echo Service</TITLE></HEAD><BODY STYLE="font-family: arial,sans-serif;"><H1>Fiddler Echo Service</H1><BR /><PRE>GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Accept-Encoding: identity

</PRE><BR><HR><UL><LI>To configure Fiddler as a reverse proxy instead of seeing this page, see <A HREF=''>Reverse Proxy Setup</A><LI>You can download the <a href="FiddlerRoot.cer">FiddlerRoot certificate</A></UL></BODY></HTML>

EDIT: This code works. The problem was related to proxy settings in Internet Explorer. DO NOT set a proxy in these settings, otherwise code above won't work.


  • I've tried with urllib2 (Proxy with urllib2) through a Burp proxy and it worked:

    import urllib2
    proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({'https': ''})
    opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy)
    print urllib2.urlopen('').read()

    Your code seems to work just fine with Burp Suite proxy.