Unicode has a million icon-like glyphs, but they're very hard to search.
Is there a Unicode glyph that looks like a "Binocular" or "magnifying glass"? Or is there a symbol that's used to mean "Search", which is in Unicode?
You should use (in HTML) 🔍
or 🔎
They are, however not supported by many fonts (fileformat.info only lists a few fonts as supporting the Codepoint with a proper glyph).
Also note that they are outside of the BMP, so some Unicode-capable software might have problems rendering them, even if they have fonts that support them.
Generally Unicode Glyphs can be searched using a site such as fileformat.info. This searches "only" in the names and properties of the Unicode glyphs, but they usually contain enough metadata to allow for good search results (for this answer I searched for "glass" and browsed the resulting list, for example).
Note that you can use Unicode Variant Selectors to explicitly pick how the glyphs will be rendered. Specifically VS15 (U+FE0E) for text-style and VS16 (U+FE0F) for emoji-style are relevant here. Simply append them to your chosen Unicode symbol to indicated if you'd like it to be rendered as text or as an emoji (assuming the software/browser supports the selectors and the relevant representation):
Unicode Symbol | Variant Selector | HTML encoded | Result |
U+1F50E | none | 🔎 |
🔎 |
U+1F50E | VS15 = U+FE0E | 🔎︎ |
🔎︎ |
U+1F50E | VS16 = U+FE0F | 🔎️ |
🔎️ |
Note that the result might vary depending on platform. For example Chrome seems to always render this character as an Emoji on both Linux and Windows.