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Click Event in 'Backbone.js View' do not work

I tried to start to work with backbone.js, but I found the Event does not work when I do NOT use 'body' as the View's el. Here is the code. You can save it as a html file and run it.

        <button id='openEssay'>test</button>
        <div id='div' style='width:100px;height:100px;'></div><script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script><script>
        var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({

    //fail  el:'#div',
    //fail    tagName: 'li',
    //fail    id:'div',
                _.bindAll(this, 'openEssay');
                'click button#openEssay':'openEssay'
       var app = new AppView();



  • Backbone binds the event handlers to the view's this.el using the delegation form of on (or delegate in older Backbones), see Backbone.View#delegateEvents for details. So if you want these events:

    events: {
        'click button#openEssay':'openEssay'

    to do anything then this.$el.find('button#openEssay') needs to match something (where this is, of course, the view object). Only one of your four attempts:

    1. el: 'body'
    2. el:'#div'
    3. tagName: 'li'
    4. id: 'div'

    will put <button id="openEssay"> inside this.el so only (1) will call openEssay when you hit the button. If you put your button inside #div then (2) would also work.