so im trying to make a game with just a simple static background at the moment, but when i draw it to the screen (no scaling being done as the resolution of the image is the same as the screen) it draws the bottom portion of the image incorrectly where the bottom few hundred pixels of the image are exactly the same going down the image. Sorry it's so difficult to explain but being new here i cant actually post an image of what is going wrong.
Now im just using a simple sprite to render this background image. Here is the code being used:
// background layer: another image
background = CCSprite.sprite("WaterBackground.png");
// change the transform anchor point (optional)
background.setPosition(CGPoint.make(GAME_WIDTH/2, GAME_HEIGHT/2));
am i doing something wrong here? Does Cocos2D not support such large images for sprites? (resolution of 800*1280) Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Since i am now able to upload images, here are visuals of what is going wrong:
And the problem in my game:
As you can see, the problem is hard to describe. The problem only exists with this larger image; i scaled it down manually in GIMP and then scaled it up for the game and it looked fine (except for being a lower resolution). I also tried scaling down this larger image which still resulted in the same problem. Hopefully you guys can help me as I have no clue what could possibly cause this error. Especially since i read that Cocos2D's max supported image size is 2048*2048 and my image is well within that.
Thanks for any help you guys can provide!
This is due to limitations on the size of textures. Coсos2d-android supports images with a maximum size of 1024 x 1024 pixels.
I faced the same problem and looking for a way to solve it.
I found the solution In cocos2d project open file in org.cocos2d.opengl package and change kMaxTextureSize from 1024 to 2048