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How to strike-through text in dot language (graphviz)

I am trying to find out how can I strike-through some text in my nodes in dot based graphviz diagrams?

I checked out on this page, but couldn't figure out:

Googling around didn't help as well.

Consider this diagram, these are basically bug numbers from a bugzilla. The red nodes represent closed bugs, but I do not want to color code them like this. Obviously striken-through 511272 is more intuitive than a red colored node 511272.

enter image description here

If anyone knows how to strike-through text inside nodes, please share. thanks,



  • Graphviz does not have a styling of its own to do this, but since it is Unicode you can use the technique with combining characters and "combining long stroke overlay" (U+0336) that the wikipedia article on strikethrough suggests:

    In plain text scenarios where markup cannot be used, Unicode offers a number of combining characters that achieve similar effects. The "long stroke overlay" (U+0336) results in an unbroken stroke across the text,

    • Separate: A̶B̶C̶D̶E̶F̶G̶H̶I̶
    • Combined: A̶B̶C̶D̶E̶F̶G̶H̶I̶

    This graph:

    digraph G {
        a [label="1̶2̶3̶4̶5̶"]
        b [label="54321"]

    Renders this png output with graphviz 2.23.6:

    graphviz example with unicode strikethrough